
Manual for SYLARD

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Stage 1 |Beginning
  3. Stage 2 |Accessing SYLARD
  4. Stage 3 |Registration
  5. Stage 4 |Log-in and reset password options
  6. Stage 5 |Creating a collection
  7. Stage 6 |Uploading annotated audio to a collection
  8. Stage 7 |Setup viewer
  9. Summary


SYLARD(Synchronized Language Annotation Result Display) is a program designed to allow line-by-line playback of digital audio that has been annotated in the ELAN (EUDICO Linguistic Annotator; time-coded format. It does this by converting the ELAN XML code to online HTLM and linking this HTML file to an .mp3 version of the original uncompressed .wav audio file. The .wav file is the format used for permanent archiving whereas the .mp3 is used for online playback through a browser. Note that use of SYLARD requires registration, which is requested to assure that all those who access SYLARD have agreed to the terms and conditions of fair use established by a Creative Commons license (

SYLARD allows for two types of registration:

  1. Visitors:Can freely access and play back all materials (.mp3 audio and annotations [including transcriptions and translations]). Registration as a Visitor is automatic and quick and is simply used to assure that Visitors have agreed to the Terms and Conditions.
  2. Contributors:Can create a collection that they control and administer. A Contributor must have independently uploaded an .mp3 version of the annotated audio to a secure (https) server. SYLARD allows the Contributor to create the collection metadata and to upload ELAN files for conversion to HTML while linking the annotations to the .mp3 file for line-by-line playback.

The following details are for Contributors. Visitors can register simply by sliding the selection in the top left corner to Visitor instead of Contributor (seefig. 4)

Stage 1:Beginning

Go to the Mesolex home page (Fig. 1; presently at and then click on Topic Index to access five different paths to Mesolex data (Fig. 2: Lexicons, Library, Flora and Fauna, Audios, Videos). SYLARD is accessed by clicking on the Audios square.

Figure 1
Figure 1:Mesolex home page: Path to SYLARD.
Figure 2
Figure 2:Mesolex Topic Index home page (Path to SYLARD via Audios).

Stage 2:Accessing SYLARD

After clicking on Audios in the Mesolex Topic Index screen (fig. 2), the user is taken to the SYLARD home page (fig. 3). On this page there is a dark blue-green header band that brings users to any one of several functionalities and documents: Catalogue, About SYLARD, User manual (this document), Source code (on GitHub), Terms and Conditions, and Credits. For those who have already registered (as either Visitor or Contributor) there is a Login option (upper right). For those new to SYLARD there is a Sign-up (upper right) or Registration option (the latter is one of three clickable options in mid-page). Clicking either Sign-up or Register takes the new user to the Registration page (see figs.4,5,6).

Figure 3
Figure 3:SYLARD home page.

Stage 3:Registration

Registration is accomplished through the Registration panel. The lefthand rectangle with blue background contains a link to the Terms and Conditions that Visitors and Contributors agree to by completing their registration.

At the top left of the righthand section (white background) users are asked to choose the status for which they wish to register (Visitor or Contributor). The first steps are virtually the same for both but the Contributor status differs in that this status must (1) be authorized by the SYLARD administrator (figs.10,11, and12) and (2) allows the user to create collections and populate them with annotated audio accessible through any browser. As the Visitor status is limited to viewing only, administrative authorization is not necessary.

Figure 4
Figure 4:Register as either Visitor or Contributor.

The first panel for Contributor registration is a request to answer the question“Tell us why you want a Contributor account”. Visitors are not asked this type of question. For Contributors the responses to this question allow the SYLARD team to better meet the needs of Contributors. The rest of the entry form is fairly standard:

  • name
  • email
  • password and password confirmation
  • country of origin
  • languages spoken or studied (remember to click on the plus sign so that the language is added to the following box: Languages spoken or studied added)
  • personal statement (optional; again this question is presented to allow the SYLARD team to better understand the interests of Contributors)

Figure 5shows the completed registration form with three languages spoken or studied having been added by clicking the + sign next to the Languages spoken or studied rectangle. After the form is completed, the potential Contributor will need to click the Register button at the bottom right of the Registration screen. A pop-up acknowledgement appears (fig. 6) and the Contributor must click Accept. At this point, the Contributor is notified that an email has been sent to them (fig. 7). The Contributor should then go to the email address associated with their SYLARD account and confirm the request and email by clicking on the link in the email (fig. 8). This triggers another notification (fig. 9) that advises the potential Contributor that their request has been forwarded to the SYLARD administrator (fig. 10), who must then authorize the requested Contributor status of the applicant. Once the administrator has authorized the Contributor status the administrator will see confirmation of this authorization (fig. 11) and the Contributor will be sent an email confirmation of the authorization (fig. 12).

Please continue tofigure 13and the immediately preceding text to continue reading this manual.

Figure 5
Figure 5:SYLARD registration screen completed by potential Contributor
Figure 6
Figure 6:After clicking Register a pop-up screen of Terms and Conditions appears and must be accepted
Figure 7
Figure 7:On the SYLARD page: Notification to a potential Contributor that an email confirming the application (fig. 8) has been sent to their account.
Figure 8
Figure 8:SYLARD generated email sent to the user requesting activation of a Contributor account.
Figure 9
Figure 9:Confirmation on the SYLARD page that an application for Contributor status is being processed.
Figure 10
Figure 10:Confirmation on the SYLARD page that an application for Contributor status is being processed.
Figure 11
Figure 11:Administrator’s panel (seen only by Administrator) once the Administrator has approved a request for Contributor status.
Figure 12
Figure 12:Administrator’s panel (seen only by Administrator) once the Administrator has approved a request for Contributor status.

Stage 4:Log-in and reset password options

Once a User has been authorized as aContributorthey can now log in with this new status. To do so, they must go to the SYLARD home screen (fig. 13) and log in through the link in the upper right corner of the topmost light blue header band. By clicking on the Login link theContributoris taken to the login page (fig. 14) where they are asked for their registered email and password. However, it often occurs that a User (eitherVisitororContributor) forgets their password. In such cases SYLARD has an integrated system to obtain a temporary password and then reset a permanent password. To do this they must first click on Forgot password as infigure 14, lower left corner of the white portion of the screen.

Figure 13
Figure 13:SYLARD home page for login.
Figure 14
Figure 14:Login panel in SYLARD with “Forgot password” option.

After clicking on the Forgot password? text in blue at the bottom offigure 14, the User is taken to the online password reset module seen infigure 15. The User must first enter their registered email and then click Submit. A temporary password is then sent to the registered email (fig. 16). The Contributor must use this temporary password to log in (fig. 17). Once logged in, the User can go to the drop-down menu in the upper right corner offigure 18and select the Change password option. Selecting this option takes the User to the change password screen (fig. 19) where the new password must be entered and reentered to confirm.

The text of this manual continues immediately abovefigure 20.

Figure 15
Figure 15:Enter email and submit to obtain a temporary password (fig. 16).
Figure 16
Figure 16:Email receipt of temporary password: Copy and paste this (fig. 17) to log in to SYLARD.
Figure 17
Figure 17:Copy and paste temporary password to log in to SYLARD.
Figure 18
Figure 18:Copy and paste temporary password to log in to SYLARD.
Figure 19
Figure 19:Copy and paste temporary password to log in to SYLARD.

Stage 5:Creating a collection

Once logged in (either with the original or changed password) a Contributor will be taken to the Catalogue page (fig. 20) if they have no collections already in SYLARD. If they have already uploaded annotated audio in one or more collections they will instead see their My Collections page with the collections listed (fig. 21). At this point, to add a new collection a new Contributor can click on Add Collection from the drop-down menu (fig. 20) whereas Contributors with a collection or collections already in SYLARD can click the Add Collection tab located in the purple header on their My Collections page (fig. 21).

The text of this manual continues abovefigure 23.

Figure 20
Figure 20:Catalogue page through which Contributors access their Collections.
Figure 21
Figure 21:My Collections page presented when a Contributor with collections in SYLARD logs in.
Figure 22
Figure 22:My Collections page accessed by new Contributors from the drop-down menu on figure 20.

After clicking on the Add collection option in eitherfigure 21(for totally new Contributors) or the Add collection option infigure 22(for Contributors with collections already integrated into SYLARD), the Contributor will be taken to the online Add collection template,figure 23. The following pages of this manual explain how this template should be filled in.

Figure 23
Figure 23:Add collection template as it first appears.

Title and Description

The first step is to give the collection a short name and description. For reasons of economy of space both number of characters in the name (500 characters) and description (1000 characters) are limited. The name and description, along with other information in a My Collection metadatabase can be edited at any time (seefigure 37: Edit metadata).

Note that the collection description is available to any user by clicking on the circled small letter I (for Information) to the left of the three vertical dots next to the project name in the catalogue (seefig. 33).

Once the name and description are entered, the Contributor then proceeds to enter the language data (language group, terminal language, communities included). This process is illustrated in figures25to31. The final step is attaching a license to the new SYLARD collection (fig. 32) At present only twoCreative Commonslicenses are available. In the future other licenses will be added, including TK (Traditional Knowledge) licenses (see

The language and community metadata that are added in screenshot figures25to31are selected from controlled vocabularies that are derived from Glottolog ( and Mexico’sINEGI(Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía) database. This allows auto-fill functionality from a drop-down menu for all languages and admininistrative units relevant to Mexico.

The Contributor begins by adding what is called the Terminal language, i.e., the lowest level classification of the language that is documented in the collection being added to SYLARD.

Terminal language

As the contributor starts to type in the terminal language, in this present case a Mixtec language, after four characters are entered SYLARD provides a list of Mixtec languages taken fromGlottolog(fig. 25). The Contributor can then simply click on any of the terminal language names in the drop-down menu.

The text of this manual continues immediately abovefigure 28.

Figure 24
Figure 24:Add collection template with Collection name and Collection description filled in.
Figure 25
Figure 25:Auto-fill of terminal languages based on the Glottolog catalogue of world languages.
Figure 26
Figure 26:Auto-fill of language group based on the Glottolog catalogue of world languages.
Figure 27
Figure 27:Automatic selection of country—Mexico—after Terminal language and Language group are selected.

Language group

Once a terminal language is entered, the language group list for the pull-down menu is automatically filtered to only show Glottolog language nodes above the selected terminal language.Figure 26shows the higher level nodes for Yoloxóchitl Mixtec: Guerrero Mixtec, Mixtec, Mixtec-Cuicatec, Mixtecan, Amuzgo-Mixtecan, Eastern Otomanguean, Otomanguean. The Contributor is free to select the node they wish, though usually a lower-level node is preferable as it groups fairly similar terminal languages together.NOTE: It is necessary to click the plus sign next to Language group to write Terminal language and Language group to the database(seefig. 28: Languages added to the collection).


This set of metadata items includes Country, Entity (in this case, state), Municipality, Locality, and Latitude and Longitud. For Mesolex the country is automatically filled in as “Mexico”. Eventually and if needed Guatemala will be added. As the country is preselected, the Entity drop-down menu (fig. 28) provides a list of states that can be selected by clicking on the appropriate entity. In turn, once the state is selected the Municipality drop-down menu (fig. 29) is automatically populated by the municipalities in the state. Finally, after the Municipality is selected the pull-down menu on locality is filtered for those localities (villages, agencias, etc.) that INEGI has established for the selected municipality. Once the locality is selected from the drop-down list, the latitude and longitude are automatically inserted into the metadata template for this collection.NOTE: It is necessary to click the plus sign next to Longitude to add the geographical information to the database(seefig. 32: Communities added to the collection).

The text of this manual continues immediately belowfigure 31.

Figure 28
Figure 28:Drop-down presentation of states in Mexico.
Figure 29
Figure 29:Municipality drop-down menu that appears after the State is selected and entered.
Figure 30
Figure 30:Locality options in the drop-down menu after municpality has been selected.
Figure 31
Figure 31:Locality options in the drop-down menu after municpality has been selected.


The final data point to be entered are the terms for the Content license (seefig. 32). At present there are only two options, both are Creative Commons licenses. As development continues, Traditional knowledge licenses will be added.

Adding multiple communities to the collection database

The steps illustrated in screens 25 to 32 can be repeated within the same collection to add multiple communities. It is, indeed, often the case that even collections from individual researchers will include material from multiple nearby communities. SYLARD can handle this situation.Figure 34illustates how this will appear once a total of four communities have been added to the Yoloxóchitl Mixtec collection. Figures35and36illustrate how the multiple communities will appear in the catalogue, in the Communities column to the right. The sliding grey bar to the right of this fourth column can be moved to show the four communities, listed in alphabetical order: Arroyo Cumiapa, Buena Vista, Cuanacaxtitlan, and Yoloxóchitl.

Collection metadata editing and adding new audio

After the collection has been populated with annotated audio, it is still possible to edit the collection metadata (for editing annotated audio metadata, seefig. 37). Collection metadata can be edited by a Contributor at any time simply by logging in to SYLARD and going to the relevant collection (see, e.g.,fig. 37). By clicking on the Edit metadata option (the option is in a pop-up window that appears when the 3 vertical dots are clicked) the Contributor is taken to the Collection metadata template (fig. 32) from which point the metadata can be edited and saved. New annotated audio can also be added by clicking on the blue rectangle that reads Upload Audio Annotation. This process is discussed below.

The text of this manual about uploading annotations continues belowfigure 37.

Figure 32
Figure 32:Collection description online template: Choosing the collection license.
Figure 33
Figure 33:Online display of collection description.
Figure 34
Figure 34:Collection with multiple communities within one terminal language.
Figure 35
Figure 35:Catalogue display (four columns of metadata) with multiple communities displayed in the fourth column with sliding bar.
Figure 36
Figure 36:Catalogue display with multiple communities displayed in fourth column with sliding bar.
Figure 37
Figure 37:Collection metadata editing option: Click on 3 vertical dots for pop-up window.

Stage 6:Uploading annotated audio to a collection

The final step in creating a collection is uploading time-coded ELAN files to the SYLARD server (which converts the XML ELAN format to HTLM for online display and line-by-line playback) and at the same time linking the annotation to the corresponding audio in mp3 format on a secure (https) server. The home screen for uploading and converting ELAN files (XML to HTML) and linking to .mp3 audios is accessed by clicking the Upload Audio Annotation button on the My Collections page (fig. 37, lower right corner in the purple banner). If there are multiple collections the upload is begun by clicking on the three vertical dots to the right of the collection to which audio will be added (fig. 37, pop-up window that offers the Contributor three options: Upload Audio Annotation, Edit metadata, Erase).

Step 1:Selecting an ELAN file for uploading

The first step is to choose an ELAN file on a local computer: Click Choose File (fig. 38) and navegate to the desired file and click Open (fig. 39). This will produce and lead the Contributor to the screen displayed infigure 40into which the Contributor will enter the title, description, metadata and default display of the line-by-line playback of the selected audio annotation.

Figure 38
Figure 38:Home screen for creating line-by-line playback of annotated (transcribed, translated) audio.
Figure 39
Figure 39:Selection ELAN annotation for uploading to SYLARD.

Step 2:Linking the ELAN annotation to an mp3 file, adding a title and description for the playback screen

Once the ELAN file is uploaded to SYLARD and the corresponding Upload audio and annotation screen is generated (fig. 40), the second step is for the Contributor to enter the complete URL path to the mp3 file annotated in the uploaded ELAN file. The path must be complete and the .mp3 sound file must be on a secure (https) server. Note that even though the ELAN annotation was from a .wav file, for Internet playback a derived .mp3 should be used. The Contributor must then type in a Title of the audio (limited to 120 characters) and a Description of the audio (limited to 200 characters).

Note that the Contributor can include HTML tags(<i> and <b>) in both the Title and Description of the audio. These will be represented when the audio and annotation are viewed online (seefig. 45, for example). Note that the Mixtec name,itun³ yu¹ku¹ nda’³a⁴ ki³ti⁴was entered in roman text with the HTML tag <i> surrounding the Yoloxóchitl Mixtec name. It is also important to note that all special characters such as superscript numbers or letters must be entered as Unicode characters. For example, superscripts ¹, ², ³, and ⁴ have the following hex codes in Unicode: 00b9, 00b2, 00b3, 2074.

Figure 40
Figure 40:Screenshot of upload template after having selected and uploaded an ELAN file.

Step 3:A second set of metadata includes the following (fig. 40)

  • Collection in which the audio is included;
  • Community of the speakers;
  • Terminal language of the speakers;
  • Genre of the recording.

The Contributor first selects the Collection in which the audio is included. Many if not most of the Contributors will have uploaded only one collection. For cases in which a Contributor has multiple collections, the drop-down menu for this metadata item will display all the collections that the Contributor has created. Contributors may add audio to a collection at any time, a particularly relelvant functionality given that Contributors may continually generate new audio for any given collection.

Once the “Collection in which the audio is included” is selected, the following two metadata fields will be provided with a drop-down menu that contains the communities and languages that were included in the Collection metadata when the collection was originally created. As evident infigure 42, the drop-down menu displays the same 4 communities that were originally included (fig. 34). The Contributor can click on the community relevent to the uploaded audio. Likewise, the Terminal language will have a drop-down list when applicable. However, most collections will have only one terminal language.

The final bit of metadata is taken from a controlled vocabulary of the genres of the recordings. The options, which are still only a preliminary list, are visible in the drop-down menu at the mid-right section offigure 41. For the file about Godmania aesculifolia, the genre Ethnobotany/Etnobotánica was selected. In the next version of SYLARD this genre metadata will allow users to suggest new classifications. SYLARD will also allow users to filter content by particular topics across multiple language collections in SYLARD, creating a theme-specific multilanguague corpus.

Text of this manual continues belowfigure 42.

Figure 41
Figure 41:Screenshot of top half of the upload template (with metadata).
Figure 42
Figure 42:Metadata for audio annotations: Collection, Community, Terminal language, Genre.

Step 4:Creation of default display of annotations (e.g., transcriptions) for line‑by‑line playback

The final step in uploading audio annotations is the selection of a default format for (1) where the annotations are displayed (one‑line display or scrolling box) and (2) for the font colors. The template for this selection process is created during the upload of the original ELAN file: server‑based SYLARD software reads the file and extracts the speakers and the tiers of annotation (fig. 41: Screenshot of upload template (with metadata)). Note the following:

  • Speakers:The top line of each group of tiers is the name of the speaker for the group of tiers listed immediately below. In the present case the two speakers are Esteban Castillo García and Constantino Teodoro Bautista. This control allows the Contributor to withhold from the default display the complete annotations for any speaker. It will also allow users to hide any speaker by using the Visual options (see below).
  • Tiers:In the present case E. Castillo García has five tiers of annotation (visible infig. 41) while C. Teodoro Bautista has four (not visible in thefig. 41screenshot). The Contributor can individually select whether to show or hide each tier in the default view, the view that users see when they access line-by-line playback. Note that these same users (be they Visitors or Contributors) can activate the Visual options (fig. 46) and change, for their viewing, which tiers are shown or hidden, regardless of whether the tier was hidden or displayed in the default presentation. The user-activated Visual options control is discussed below in reference tofig. 46.
  • View in:The SYLARD display or play-back template comprises two sections:
    • One-line display
    • Scrolling
    Figure 45illustrates these two display sections: One-line display and Scrolling. The one-line display is located below the sound bar and between two thin horizontal orange lines. In this particular case there are two Mixtec orthographies, the top is a practical orthography and the bottom is a surface linguistic orthography. The scrolling section contains the Spanish translation of the Mixtec text. As the recording progresses the one-line display changes as the recording reaches each new line of annotation. In the scrolling section, as the audio progresses the grey shaded highlighting moves down the translation, also line-by-line.
  • Font color: Finally, the Contributor can select the color of the text annotation of each tier. There are two ways to select font color. The first is to enter the hex value of the color in the rectangle next to the color square, which changes color as the hex values are changed. The second way to select font color is through a color picker (seefig. 44). The possibilities with the picker are more limited. But the advantage of the color picker is the ease with which it allows consistency in font color across many different audio annotations uploaded by a Contributor at different times.

Step 5:Creation of default display of annotations (e.g., transcriptions) for line‑by‑line playback

Once all the metadata and default display selections are entered, the Contributor needs to click on Save (bottom right of figs.43or44). This preserves the metadata used in the default playback view (fig. 45) and available to users who wish to take advantage of the Visible options functionality (fig. 46).

Figure 43
Figure 43:Screenshot of upload template, bottom half, for default display of the annotations.

Stage 7:Setup viewer

This final stage presents the user experience in viewing and playing back annotated (transcribed, translated, and annotated) audio through SYLARD. Any registered user (Visitor or Contributor) can access the SYLARD catalogue, select a collection and audio to hear, and go to the playback page (fig. 45). The initial appearance of the line-by-line playback module is determined by how the Contributor created the metadata and display format discussed in Stage 6: Uploading annotated audio to a collection.

Upon accessing an annotated audio, the user is taken to a page such as that infigure 45. The sound is played by clicking on the right-pointing triangle at the left of the playback bar. Clicking on the three vertical dots to the right of the playback bar allows users to control the playback speed and to download the mp3. A future enhancement will allow downloading of ELAN and HTML annotation files.

Visual options: SYLARD also allows users to personally configure the annotation display during playback. This is done by expanding the Visual options function at the top left of the playbar. In uploading an ELAN annotation file, a Contributor sets the default playback view. In the present case (fig. 45) two orthographic representations (practical and surface, in the reddish font transcriptions below the playbar) appear in the one-line section of the SYLARD playback page. The Spanish translation, on the other hand, appears in the scroll box just under the one-line display of the Mixtec texts. The highlighted line of the translation changes as the audio progresses, and the Mixtec transcriptions change as well, line by line as the recording progresses.

Visual options

SYLARD also allows users to personally configure the annotation display during playback. This is done by expanding the Visual options function at the top left of the playbar. In uploading an ELAN annotation file, a Contributor sets the default playback view. In the present case (fig. 45) two orthographic representations (practical and surface, in the reddish font transcriptions below the playbar) appear in the one-line section of the SYLARD playback page. The Spanish translation, on the other hand, appears in the scroll box just under the one-line display of the Mixtec texts. The highlighted line of the translation changes as the audio progresses, and the Mixtec transcriptions change as well, line by line as the recording progresses. Text of this manual continues belowfigure 45.

Figure 44
Figure 44:Default display: Choosing the font color for each tier.
Figure 45
Figure 45:Default display: Choosing the font color for each tier.

Visual options can be personalized by each user. The changes in the visual presentation of annotated files are temporary and specific to the user who makes them. A future enhancement to SYLARD will be to create accounts in which users can store the display preferences that they have created, file by file.

The default values for playback are automatically displayed in the expanded Visual options screen (fig. 46). Note that three tiers were uploaded but hidden from display: Esteban García Castillo GLOSS, Esteban García Castillo PARSE, and Constantino Teodoro Bautista PARSE. Indeed, users can easily see which tiers have been uploaded but are not visible in the default view by opening the Visual options screen (fig. 46) and noting the tiers with Off in the Show column. Three tiers were hidden (uploaded but not displayed) while six lines of annotation appear in the default view (fig. 45, in which four of these tiers appear; not shown are the practical and surface orthographies of Contantino Teodoro Bautista, which will appear in the One-line view once the recording reaches his text). With the Visual options function, a user who wishes to see any of these lines of text, however, can slide the switch to On and then select where the newly revealed tier will be displayed (One-line display or Scrolling) and the font color in which it will appear.

Figure 46
Figure 46:User activated visual options for changing SYLARD display for a particular audio annotation.

Figure 47illustrates the immediately visible impact of user-defined custom views. In this image the user has opened the Visual options menu and has changed the display.

  • Surface orthography is now hidden (both for Esteban Castillo García and Constantino Teodoro Bautista);
  • The practical orthography transcription for both speakers is now represented in the Scrolling box;
  • The translation for both speakers is now represented in the Scrolling box, immediately below the Mixtec transcription;
  • The user has changed the font colors (cf. fig.45and fig.47)

The changes are immediately reflected in the annotation display: Note that the Mixtec annotation and Spanish translation are intercalated one before the other in the scroll box, with new font colors.

As an example, many users might prefer the practical orthographic and translation to be viewed one immediately above the other, in order to easily associate one with the other. This would mean that both are displayed in the scrolling box and that the colors should be selected to maximize contrast. The user who reconfigured the display in the Visual options panel forfigure 47desired this effect; the change has been immediately implemented but only for this particular user. For other users, the default remains as the initial view upon accessing this audio annotation. As already noted, a planned future development will be user accounts in which personalized Visual options can be stored as desired so that in reopening a file at a later date, the reconfigured display appears as the “default”.

Figure 47
Figure 47:Line-by-line playback display after Visual options have been implemented by a user.


SYLARD has been created to faciliate public dissemination (to native speakers and communities, to the general public, to researchers) of time-coded annotations of audio recordings in Indigenous languages. Often these audio recordings and annotations (e.g., transcriptions and translations, along with other linguistic analyses such as parsing and glossing) are not disseminated to those who might be most interested. Though in the present case SYLARD is part of the Mesolex portal, it is open source software and can be implemented anywhere.

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